When we first visited Mfereji Village, we could see the present school: an acacia tree.
The community has few resources. But we thought… they needed our help to dream of
having such a good school!

In July 2012, Enjipai started the construction of the school. It was not easy, because
of the luck of resources and the distance of the village. But anyway, Enjipai has been
plenty of illusion, and with the amount that Spanish people gave to the community
we could buy cement, sand, wood, a tank of water, to rent a lorry to bring the big
stones…and all the community helping a lot all days!!!! We have worked a lot, and
under the Tanzanian sun it was really hard…
So this is the beginning!!!! Right now, we only have a cave and all the material (except
the bricks, because we ran out of money).

The school is not ready, but the community is happy as if it were already built. All the
people sang and danced, especially the women…in their faces…”this is a dream, this is
the dream we have been waiting for”. Essentially ENJIPAI.


In the Maasai community nobody uses a toothbrush. They use a stick to a specific plant
that grows near the village, and that allows them to wash their mouth, but at the same
time it damages the gums and tooth enamel.

So, gathered in the school, we distributed toothbrushes and toothpaste, and taught the
children how to brush their teeth. It was really funny: first, the novelty; and secondly the

At first, a dental hygiene instruction was aimed to children who attended school, but
when the mamis of other bomas knew about this, they came, more and more, so all the
dental material was distributed.

Task performance: Awareness of the Maasai community in general (with particular
emphasis on children); instructions for proper oral hygiene techniques, distribution of
toothbrushes and toothpaste

Thanks a lot to Chemist´s El Coto ( Mijas, Spain). Lcdo. José
E. Yébenes


Maasai children are usually quite malnourished, because of their basic diet (reduced to
goat milk and flour). So we tried to explain them the importance nutrition. We gave all
the mamis a lot of powdered milk for children of different ages, and also a lot of baby
food with rice, vitamins, calcium…

We told them about the importance of not mixing with the water they used to. It would
be better to mix it with goat's milk

Thanks a lot to Maribel Iruzubieta


Despite the fact that they are reluctant to western medicines because they have the
indigenous knowledge on the use of different plants for each disease, Lekishon
responded with a great deal of attention to the use and benefit of the medication that we
had as well as a small introduction to first aid (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, cures
kit of first aid, antibiotics, salves, etc…).


We made a couple of attempts, without success, to explain to Lekishon and Mokoyi
about the importance of the use of condoms, and they feel they are not yet ready to
expose it openly to the community. So we will take a little more time the acceptance
of this type of topics related to the sexual aspects of all forms, we leave there many
condoms (both male and female), just in case they decide to use them.

Thanks a lot to Cruz Roja Española